Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Art and Sunny Days

It's supposed to be sunshine for the next week in Portland, Oregon which seems like an oxymoron to me. Anyone who's lived or heard about the northwest knows that it's cloudy and rainy all of the time. Sort of. Most of that is perpetuated by the crowd that hopes the Californians don't move up here. And, most of that is perpetuated by the Californians that have already moved up here.

I can speak to that as my wife and I were both born in California even though I grew up in West Virginia, and Mackie grew up in Oregon.

Living in the northwest gives us a great appreciation for summers. Part of that is from living here during the wintertime, and the rest is the appreciation for how beautiful it is here during the summer. It's incredible how beautiful it can be here from May through October.

Sunny was inspired about the sun that gracefully warms our hearts. He was composed from a floor drain and silverware. Knives and forks surround the outside, and two spoons created the sunglasses.

There is so much opportunity in cast-off items to create wonderful works of art. It just take some sunshine and an open mind.

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