Saturday, September 21, 2019

Today is our first day

We did it. We finally took the plunge and purchased a motorhome. We've been kicking this around for several years and have looked at the countless options. We talked about how we'd live over the next five to ten years after retirement, and while I'm still planning on working a few more years, we figure that we'll start practicing :). We'll still be tent camping from time-to-time, but we'll be enjoying this more often.

Mackie and I did a lot of traveling when since met almost 30 years ago. First, it was going to her art shows where she was displaying her pottery. Then we started traveling for traveling overseas. And, we've been tent camping for the past several years with family and friends. We've watched a number of Youtube videos listening to people's storys living out of the country or traveling in the country. The traveling in the country has had more appeal to us. Our love for spending time together, visiting our family, spending time outdoors, and meeting new friends.

We'll see you on the road!

Mackie and Joe


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