Saturday, April 5, 2008

Kinetic fish

I spent all day working on a new kinetic piece that is made from bicycle parts. It's always fun to work on new items but sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error to create a quality piece of art. I'm still working on the stand and hopefully I can get the kinks out and get some photos on the blog tomorrow. You can check out our website at to see some of our previous creations. The website photos are only a small sampling of our work. You can always send us an email or give us a call to discuss something you have in mind.

This is a shot of a large kinetic fish sculpture in our booth at our last indoor show. He's created from a plow point, pitching show, late 1800's buckboard wagon springs and some flat steel.

Often I'm asked how long does it create a piece of work, and it is a real challenge for me to come up with the answer. This is because of the countless hours I think about something before I ever create it.

There are times I wake up in the middle of the night and begin working on a piece. Or I may get started on something and put it down for a day. Do some additional work and put it down for a week. I have some pieces that I started in the shop several months back and it may be the end of summer before I ever take it to a show.

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